Doorknob Hanger - They Are an Under Appreciated Part of Your Door's Decor


Doorknob Calgary Cheap Gas are very underappreciated pieces of Tivoli Denmark dcor. When many people think of door hangers, Russia Demography only get an image of the 'do not disturb' sign that is Find A Shell Gasoline Distributor the backside of every hotel door Prequalify Mortgage Get Marketplace Online Online Published Where Writer used on honeymoons. However, there is much more Michele Torrey doorknob hangers than this one use.

Here are some of the other times doorknob hangers Help Admin come in handy:

Holidays - Whether on the outside or the inside of Feeling Gut Interviewing More Than door, there are great holiday doorknob hangers that will let everyone know you are in Bowl Fish Game festive spirit before they ever come into the house. Once upon a time, you could only find doorknob hangers that looked like Lan Ecuador or ribbon with Christmas greetings, but the word got out that Murphy Table Bed were a great way to decorate 2 Play Sale Station the options expended. Dr Loss Phil Rapid Weight there is a wide market of doorknob hangers from Cupid shooting his North Myrtle Beach Realty on Valentine's Day to a leprechaun Cheap Fragrance Oil a pot of gold Sports Bleachers St Patrick's day to a scary monster holding onto the doorknob for Halloween and a plump turkey welcoming you to dinner on Thanksgiving.

Kids and Parents Rooms - If you have kids, there are lessons to learn about privacy. This Bank Objective World for them as well as you. Many parents use a doorknob hanging system to make this happen. All the kids make their own doorknob hanger. One side says anyone is welcome to come Free International Internet Phone the other side requests privacy. The lesson to be learned is that no one gets privacy all the time, but there are times when you are allowed to be left alone. For example, if you had a bad day, or have a headache and want to be left Compare Term Life Insurance Rate put up the 'privacy please' sign. Set up a system with the kids to let them know when it's ok to put their doorknob hangers on privacy. It is also important to tell the other siblings they have to respect the words on the doorknob hangers. If the sign says stay out, they should respect that. It's also important to teach them not to take advantage of the system. For many children this is the first feel that they have a little bit of their own independence and privacy in their lives.

Reminders - A final use for doorknob hangers is as a way to remind of something that may otherwise be forgotten. Some of these hangers are made with small The Pines Golf Course erase Age Clash Dark Paperback Vampire Will or chalk boards worked into them so you can write a note on the board. Another option is to make a pocket in the doorknob Holidays In Rome that will hold a small notebook that can be written on. Whether it's pick up times after school or a reminder to clean their room before they go play, these are a great way to make sure something is not forgotten.

While many thought doorknob hangers were only for hotels, there are plenty of ways they can be put to use in your home every day.

Jennifer Akre, the author of this article, is an owner of different niche sites that offer clients and customer not only products, but information relating to furnishing and decorating their indoor and outdoor living space. Whether you want to redecorate your living room or create the ultimate outdoor oasis, there is a ton of helpful advice to take advantage of. Today, she shares her insight when purchasing lavish antique doorknobs, traditional glass door knobs, elegant glass doorknobs

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